Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Super Bowl & Pepper Spray

If you can't tell from the title, my super bowl sunday was a doozy. Let me just say this: football fans and pepper spray do NOT mix well and under no circumstances, should this be reinacted at home or anywhere else for that matter. Anyone who says different, you have my prayers.

It was half time and people were milling about, grabbing snacks (again) grousing about 'Da Bears' being down and some cheering that the Colts were ahead. A curious little boy of ten decided to go nosing in a drawer and found this interesting looking canister. Having nothing better to do, he emptied the canister in the room and no one seemed the wiser. AT FIRST.

Enter me, walking from one side of the house I work in to the next, ie- pass one through the cloud. I'm tending to my charge and trying to get her ready to prop up in bed and watch the rest of the game - SHE LOVES football and I pass a 2nd and third time through the cloud. Into the kitchen and out again and wonder idly why I'm coughing, itchy all of a sudden and why my eyes feel like I have spikes in them.

Enter the three year old, complaining to his mom that "something tastes funny in my mouth". Which leads mom to investigate. By this time, everyone is hacking, from the 5 month old grandbaby to the I don't know how old grandmother. The dad is rushing EVERYONE out of the house and my charge, just in a diaper is covered from head to toe in blankets and pushed through the cloud (my 4th time by now) through the dining room and out onto the back porch. We need another blanket for J and it's time 5 and 6 for me to pass in and out of the cloud.

Only on my sixth time through does it dawn on me what I'm walking through.... actually, it dawned on me as I was leaning over the porch railing throwing up the yummie super bowl snacks in front of EVERYONE. Now... I'm an asthmatic and I have deadly allergies and this is not my first dance with pepper spray so on top of tossing my cookies (litterally) I can't stop coughing, wheezing and putting Darth V to shame with my rasping.

Pass through cloud number 7 has me taking my charge back inside because it's too cold and she has to be put to bed. I make it as far as the hall before I'm choking, hacking, coughing and I barely make it to the toliet where I loose it all over again. Now I come out of the bathroom; pale, sweating and looking like death warmed over and unable to speak because I can't get enough air in fast enough. Pass number 8 - final time and I'm out the house, puking just inches from the Vans on the feet of the boy who decided to empty the pepper spray in the first place. He looked a lil pale too come to think of it.

Boss' hubby tells her to get coat and shoes and take me to the hospital and off we go. I tell you what, normally her lead foot makes me nervous but that night, I was thankful for it! We got there in record time. Robert showed up shortly there after (he was at work) and I was back and seen by a doctor in less than two minutes. Might have had something to do with the fact that my O2 sat was down in the high 70s [its supposed to be 98-100 on a normal person - mine stays 94-97]. I was very impressed with seeing a doctor that fast... and he was a good one.

Several hours, breathing treatments and an EKG later and I was sent home with prescriptions, a rescue inhaler, anti nausea meds and an order to bed rest for 7-10 days. I tucked into bed and slept, waking to eat, medicate and spend some time being read to by my dear husband. I love it when he reads to me, we are currently reading On Basilisk Station: The First Honor Harrington Novel by David Webber. I'm liking it a LOT. I cheat though, I read a few chapters ahead between his readings to me but, he doesn't mind, he's read it before.

Back to bed for me!


At 1:56 PM, Blogger Angie, Robert & Stephen said...


When I went back to work at the house the following Friday (after super bowl) when the peper-spray-kidlet came in, I teased him "you're not going to try to posion me again, are you?" to which he paled and said no, apologized about three times as he went down the hall and hid out for several hours. It was nice and quiet. LOL I later told him I was teasing and knew he didn't do it on purpose and he was right back to his normal noisy self. Me and my big mouth.



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